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October 14, 2022Networking can seem like an intimidating prospect. You’ve heard the term and know it’s a good idea, but do you know how to get started? What are some tips for getting your foot in the door of this world? How can I build a network that works for me? Well, we’re here to help. So let’s dive right in! In this article, we’ll explore some common questions about networking and get down to brass tacks on how to build a strong network, or even start one from scratch.
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What is Networking?
Networking, at its most basic level, is the act of building relationships. It’s a long-term strategy that takes place over time and involves building trust with people who can help you get where you want to go. Networking is also a great way to meet people who can help build your brand and make connections that will benefit your career in the long run.
As an introvert, networking might not come naturally for some people—and that’s okay! The term “networking” has a stigma attached to it because some assume that networking means making small talk with strangers or trying to sell products or services without any interest in what they do—which isn’t true!
Networking doesn’t mean asking someone to buy something from you. It rather means getting involved with industry groups and other organizations. This is where like-minded professionals get together regularly to share ideas about business growth strategies and best practices outside work hours.
Is Networking Worth It?
To answer the question, “is networking worth it?” you need to ask yourself some questions. Does networking help your business? How do the benefits of networking outweigh the costs? What are your goals, and how can you measure them?
Networking is a critical part of your business journey. It’s an opportunity for you to meet people, exchange ideas, and learn about other businesses in your industry. You never know when or where you’ll find someone who can help grow your business or provide essential insights that will make your company stronger.
The Challenges of Networking
Networking can be a challenge for many people. It’s not always easy, and it might not work at all. Some people are shy or introverted and find it difficult to approach strangers in a networking environment. For others, networking is just too much work when they already have a full-time job or other responsibilities that demand their time.
That said, there are some things you can do to make the process easier and more effective:
- Sign up for an event ahead of time: When you sign up for an event, you’ll receive emails about the event beforehand, so you know what’s expected of you once it begins. This will help ease your nerves about attending an unfamiliar event where everyone else seems like they’re having fun while talking to people who seem interesting enough but whom no one knows yet; everyone’s just “winging” it!
- Keep track of contacts from previous events: It’s important to keep track of whom you meet at events. Not only will it help you remember their name and contact information, but it will also give them an opportunity to remember yours as well—and potentially connect with you later down the road!
Look Towards the Bright Side
- The bright side. Networking is not a waste of time if done correctly. We’ve all heard that networking is important, but it can still feel like a chore, and you may feel like you don’t have enough time to spend on it. But suppose you align yourself with people who are interested in what you’re interested in and have different skills than yours. In that case, it doesn’t have to be such a burden.
- Let go of your ego. When we meet new people for the first time, we often think about ourselves rather than focusing on them as individuals or their interests and passions outside of work. By doing so, we miss out on opportunities to learn from others because we haven’t taken the time to get to know them better before jumping into an actual conversation about business—and this can lead us down an awkward path when trying to make connections later down the line!
The Solution – Network Your Way
Rather than being shy about asking for help, you should be assertive and confident when approaching people. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you need when you find yourself in a situation where a referral, favor, or advice is necessary.
Referral: Get your network involved by having them refer people who can help or recommend them to others. People like to feel useful, so this is a great way to feel like they are contributing something valuable to others without them even realizing it!
Favor: Don’t be afraid of asking people in your network if they could do something small for you just because they are busy. People love giving back so much more than receiving favors. We often forget this as we get caught up in our lives and forget that many other people have given us support along the way too!
Advice: If anyone out there knows how hard it can be to start a business, then it’s someone who has already done so themselves! A good rule of thumb is to seek advice from those who’ve been through similar situations before, like family members or business partners. It is always to keep an open mind because sometimes, even though what sounds crazy might end up working out better than expected!
Business Partnership: It’s essential for businesses and individuals trying to achieve their goals or dreams to look outside themselves and stay focused on their needs. That means networking is another tool within our tool belt that should always be available whenever needed!
Loosen up the Labels
You may think you know who your network is, but in most cases, there are people you’ve never met that could be valuable. You never know what opportunities might come from a new connection—and if it doesn’t work out, then at least you tried! The key is to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people.
The next step is to trust those in your network; don’t be afraid to ask them for help when needed. This means being vulnerable with others and allowing yourself to be seen as less than perfect at times; no one likes feeling judged by others, so we often hold ourselves back from asking others for assistance when we need help completing projects or getting advice on work-related issues. If someone offers their services without hesitation or judgment of any sort, consider taking advantage of this opportunity!
Once upon a time, I made some mistakes because I didn’t ask enough questions about upcoming events or networking situations. And even though things didn’t go as planned at first, they still worked out great! We all make mistakes sometimes but remember: it’s okay not knowing everything right away, and sometimes asking questions too early can cause more harm than good later down the road!”
Our network is something we should start investing in carefully and intentionally from day one.
As we know, networking is a skill that can be learned and practiced. It’s not just about going to events but about meeting new people and developing relationships with them.
When you’re in college, your network is going to be comprised mainly of people who are in the same stage as you. It’s helpful to try and meet people who have already graduated or who are further along than you in their careers so that they can offer advice or connections that may help you out later on. The same goes for business relationships and contacts.
So, the question remains: is networking really worth it? Indeed, some people might not see it. We at Kapital Solutions always appreciate the value of meeting new people and exchanging business cards. We take the long-term view and consider how these relationships can benefit us and our new contacts in the future. Suppose you struggle with this concept or don’t know how to get started. In that case, we recommend reaching out to someone successful at building their network before—they will be able to share their tips.
Kapital recently sponsored the LEND360 Annual Summit in Chicago for the fintech and payment processing leaders in online lending. Our team had the privilege of getting to know wonderful new people and catching up with our amazing friends in the industry. We’re in contact with the people we met during the summit for the purpose of doing business and exchanging knowledge. The biggest business opportunities start with a conversation. That is how valuable networking is!
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